Aminet 1 (Walnut Creek)
Aminet - June 1993 [Walnut Creek].iso
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Hack & Slash
by Rob Hurst
Mark Montminy
& Lonnie Watson
Hack & Slash should be placed in it's own directory. I'd suggest locating
it in your main doors directory, but it's fully up to you. No assigns
are necessary (more doors should be so kind), it will find it's files
according to the path it was launched from.
(door programmers, read argv[0] and put an end to this assign nonsense!)
Extract the archive with it's full path, and all files will be placed where
they belong for proper execution of the game.
Launching Hack & Slash:
Depending on your BBS system, this will be different. Most BBS' will be
running in standard i/o mode. Do whatever magic is required of your BBS
system to start the game as a standard CLI program. H&S expects a CTRL-C
break signal upon carrier loss or timeout, and will exit cleanly.
The command line should be:
drive:doorpath/hack&slashpath/hack&slash <options> user_id
Note the user_id. This IS needed. It may be the user's name, handle,
phone number, user number, or anything else UNIQUE to each user. The game
uses it's own "handles" and simply uses this as a means to identify the
user playing. It will read everything after the options as the user_id,
so the name need not be enclosed in "", or any other such nonsense.
-c Disables "back to back" plays. A user must wait till another user
plays (or midnight is crossed) before playing again. It helps keep
the game fair. Without it, users can play as many turns as they have,
in a row.
Default is off, back to back plays are allowed.
-x Run in Xenolink mode. This forces H&S to run as a XenolinkDoor under
Xenolink since CLIdoor just had too many problems. Standard Xenolink
syntax applies. Note that this MUST be followed immediately with a
~20 in order to work, ie -x~20.
The entry I use is:
XenolinkDoor "^30000^1Hack&Slash/Hack&Slash -x~20 ~100"
Hack & Slash should only be played by one node at a time. A locking
mechanism has been used ensure that only one copy is in use at a time.
When Hack&Slash starts up, it will take the base directory name, and create
an ENV variable with that name. It will check for the existance of this
ENV before running. If found, it means another copy is in use. A message
will be displayed and the door will exit. It it's not found, it is
created and the game starts.
Note that you CAN have more than one H&S game going at once as long as
they each have thier own complete set of data files and executable in
seperate directories.
Make sure YOU are the 1st person to play each and every game. The 1st
player is the "sysop" of the game and has the ability to edit and delete
other players. The "sysop" menu is activated via the @ key from the main
There is a directory with some sample startup scripts in it for launching
H&S under some of the various BBS packages out there. I'd like to thank
the following for thier contributions to this effort:
Roger Clarke - for his TransAmiga startup script
Bill Seymour - for his BBX scripts
Alan Bland - for answering my stupid questions all the time :)
(and providing THE best FSE yet, Emacs!)
Bill Williford - for letting me use him as a 1.3/68000 guinea pig
The beta testers - for helping me test, what else!
BBS' known to be able to run H&S:
Dialog Pro, BBX, TransAmiga, Starnet, Xenolink, Falcon, Excelsior,
Note to CNet owners: Why H&S doesn't work I don't know. I'll gladly
make it work, if someone will provide me with code on how to do raw
i/o with CNet.
Monsters and Such:
Picture file handling has changed since version 1.2. Due to there being
100 monsters, I decided to break up the pictures into seperate dirs.
Currently in use is:
<MonsterName>.(ANS|TXT) - Monsters found in the dungeon
Cleric.(ANS|TXT) - Cleric found in the dungeon
Dungeon(N|W|E).(ANS|TXT) - Dungeon room pics
<MonsterName>.(ANS|TXT) - Monsters found in the arena
Summoned Demon.(ANS|TXT) - Demon found in the arena
<Class Name>.(ANS|TXT) - pictures for players based on class
<PlayerHandle>.(ANS|TXT) - picture for an individual user
(overrides PlayerPic)
The <>should be replace with the name of the monster as seen in config.
ArenaMonsters are found in the arena (amazing eh?) and DungeonMonsters
(you guessed it) are found in the dungeon. The PlayerPic is shown whenever
you do battle with another user in the arena.
To be added still are the SeaMonsters and User Ships in the Naval section.
About Hack & Slash:
Hack & Slash started life (in door form) as XenoRPG for Xenolink BBS.
XenoRPG was ported from Rob Hurst's RPGBBS program, which was a re-write
by Rob, of an AppleII BBS called TProBBS. Rob was nice enough to port
this game to a Xenolink Door, and has turned the source over to me to
maintain. Any changes I make, will be minor at best. I don't want to
make major mods to the game, as it will make future merges of new
features Rob adds much harder.
When I decided to switch from Xenolink, naturally XenoRPG had to come
with me (my users would have revolted). The name didn't fit a "generic"
door, so it was renamed to Hack & Slash, after Rob's BBS. Since Rob had
made so many changes to RPGBBS, we felt it was time for a re-port. Several
hours, a few gurus, and a few Cokes later, Hack & Slash loaded. Rob then
graciously handed the code back to me to continue massaging it for door
You're reading them! Docs are sparse, mainly because I hate writing them.
The game has online documentation for rules of play. It's suggested
that you read them. Any other documentation is sparse at best. Docs
should be available for the config utility by the time you read this, and
the original RPGBBS docs are included for further reading enjoyment.
H&S is being released as Shareware. As such, you are required to send in
a registration fee of $20.
Registration gets you a key which allows you to procede beyind level 15
up to level 99 (bet you were thinking it was real easy to become Immortal).
It is after level 15 that magic starts to kick in, and things get harder.
The game is gaining immense popularity, and is well worth the $20 fee.
Registration also unlocks the config utility that allows you to edit the
various data files used by the game. Just about EVERY attribute of the
game can be edited with config. A future version will include a GUI
config tool.
To register, fill out the included form and return it to the address on
the form. Payment methods, as well as methods for obtaining the key are
listed on the form.
Do NOT spend the extra money for FedEx/Overnight mail!!! This requires
that I go to the post office to pick it up. Since my PO hours are from
8-4 and I leave for work at 7 and get home at 6, I can't get there 'till
the weekend! Meaning, you wasted your money!
There are two echos available for H&S, HACK_SLASH and HS_PLAYERS. The
first is a SYSOP ONLY echo intended for bug reports, feature suggestions,
and general chat about the game that might not be appropriate for players.
Both echos are available from me, or many Amiga BBS' running H&S. Please
do not send netmail. I'm unable to answer everyone's netmail do to the
overwhelming costs. If you want to email me, I'm reachable as
markm@zerbin.dev.cdx.mot.com via the internet.
Note to XenoRPG owners:
If you're a registered owner of XenoRPG, there is a utility included called
X2H. Read the included docs for usage. This will convert your XenoRPG.reg
file to a Hack&Slash.License file for you.